Project Team Cambridge
Principal Investigator
Dr Uradyn E. Bulag is a specialist on Mongolia and China. His research interests cover a wide range of topics, including ethnicity and nationalism, Mongolia-Tibet interface, socialist modernity and post-socialism, resource and infrastructure, historiography, colonialism, geopolitics and international diplomacy.
Project Manager
Dr Baasanjav Terbish was trained in Mongolian Studies in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and in Linguistics/Literature at Ankara University, Turkey. Later he obtained a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. He is interested in gender studies, cultural studies, religion, and environmental issues.
Research Associate
Dr Elvira Churyumova was trained as a historian at the Kalmyk State University, subsequently obtaining a PhD in Political Sciences from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. She also holds a MSc in Migration Studies from the University of Oxford.
Senior Research Advisor
Prof. Caroline Humphrey has researched a wide range of themes including Soviet and post-Soviet provincial economy and society; Buryat and Daur shamanism; Jain religion and ritual; post-Soviet cities and architecture; the politics of memory; and the history and contemporary situation of Buddhism, especially in Inner Mongolia.
IT and Administrative Team in Cambridge
Senior Technical Consultant
Dr Christopher Kaplonski
IT Consultant
Mr Terry Chilvers
Administrative Assistant
Mrs Anna Clayton
Advisory Board
Prof. Caroline Humphrey (University of Cambridge)
Dr Christopher Kaplonski (University of Cambridge)
Dr Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (University of Cambridge)
Dr David Sneath (University of Cambridge)
Dr Hildegard Diemberger (University of Cambridge)
Prof. Mark Turin (University of British Columbia)
Prof. Christopher Atwood (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Prof. Dittmar Schorkowitz (Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle)
Prof. Borjigin Burensain (University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan)
Prof. Evdokia Khabunova (Kalmyk State University, Elista)
Dr Utash Ochirov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Elista)